Satin Vinyl Wraps - Cheap Satin Vinyl Wraps - Hight Quality Satin Vinyl Wraps

Satin Vinyl Wraps

Is it safe to apply Satin Vinyl Wraps coatings yourself?

Satin Vinyl Wraps protection coatings are designed to protect your paint from fading and deterioration. Many DIY versions attempt to mimic this. The best DIY nano Satin Vinyl Wraps coatings provide superior protection to a professional grade coating like Ceramic Pro 9H by about 50%.

This is not a rumor - this is a documented fact. The primary reason is that there are so many variables involved in applying and maintaining the ceramic coating on a car. You will not find any written warranty regarding the durability of the product. The products are not installed by a detailer accredited. Pro-shops tend to steer clear of mobile guys, although some might offer this service.

You might find a few companies who will refund you if the product doesn't last two years, but they are betting that you won't contact them. Even if they do, it is still a loss to them of $5-10 as this is the cost of goods for these companies. Click this link to view the main product sold by Ali-Baba.

What is in the DIY nano coatings that you can find online? We did some research and found out that this is based on the SDS sheet provided by the Chinese supplier.

Here are the contents of Satin Vinyl Wraps nano-coating. It looks almost IDENTICAL to packaging and marketing for a leading DIY coating company.

Silicon Dioxide, SiO2: Silicon Dioxide is also known as silica oxide. It's a ceramic that produces the hydrophobic surface of nano coatings. Contrary to claims made by some DIY coatings on their website, this ingredient does not determine the strength of the coat. It is titanium dioxide, or TiO2, and the carrier solvents which allow the coating to be coated with a professional-grade coating.

Titanium dioxide, or TiO2, is the ingredient that produces hardness and durability (the 9H thing). Satin Vinyl Wraps coatings contain lower TiO2 percentages than professional coatings, as they reduce the margin for error in application. They can't add as much TiO2 because they are formulated for DIY applications.

Silica Particles: A nano ceramic coating enhances the depth and color of paint on cars, as well as plastic trim. This is achieved by layering a professional coating. The more layers you have, the deeper the paint will be. DIY coatings do not have this capability, so they use silicon particles to brighten the surface.

Other minor ingredients include Triethanolamine (Fluorine), PolySilazane (PolySilazane), and water. Water is the only product that can be used without wearing PPE. If you are going to try your hand at ceramic coating installation, wear eye protection, protective gloves and a respirator.

How to handle exposure to a Satin Vinyl Wraps coating

Concentrated ceramic coatings are 180 degrees from traditional wax. Even the lab-created stuff is relatively safe. It's vital to be aware of how to deal with accidental chemical exposure when working with chemicals.

We've compiled this list of things you should do in the event that you are exposed to DIY coatings. Most DIY coatings don't post their ingredients or provide easy health guidelines if they're ingested or inhaled or come into contact with your skin.


In order to avoid inhaling paint fumes, especially for a long time, you should follow some important steps. Wearing a ventilator or protective mask will reduce your exposure to this type of fumes. You should also keep the garage or windows open to allow for air circulation.(Satin Vinyl Wraps)

If you are unable to or choose not to follow the guidelines, stop applying the coating immediately if you feel light-headed or dizzy. Get some fresh air by walking outside. Sit down until you feel better and only return to the job with PPE.

Exposure to Skin

The best DIY coating kits include nitrile glove. Nano coatings can stick to almost anything, including skin. It can be difficult to remove if it gets on the hands, arms or legs. If your skin is highly sensitive, it can cause mild burns.

If you have skin contact, wash the affected area immediately with soap and warm water. After you are finished, gently dry the affected areas. Consult a doctor if you notice a rash on your skin or if it becomes damaged.

Exposure to the Eyes

Safety glasses can reduce exposure to the eyes. It is possible that fumes can still come in contact with your eye. In this case, immediately flush your eyes with cold tap water. Consult a doctor if your vision becomes impaired or blurred.

Ingested or Swallowed

If you swallow ceramic coating, rinse your mouth immediately with water. Next, call the poison hotline.

What is the Ceramic Coating Process?

How does ceramic coating actually work? Ceramic coatings create a smooth, flat and hard protective layer that looks like a shell. The video below explains the science behind Ceramic Pro 9H nano coatings.

Its properties prevent anything from adhering to the surface that it protects. This includes water, dirt and dust, insects, contaminants, tree sap or bird droppings. It will make the washing of your car easier and quicker, as there is less dirt to remove. The anti-stick properties can also reduce the impact of spray paint, which is helpful if someone gets angry at you.

Ceramic coatings offer many benefits.

Protects from UV damage. When the sun shines on a car all day long, the clear coating that covers the surface of the paint slowly begins to break down. UV rays can penetrate the clear coating, causing the paint to oxidize and fade.

Protection against Chemical Damage/Stains : Automobiles are frequently exposed to harsh chemicals that cause many problems. They tend to penetrate and slowly wear down a variety of surfaces due to their acidic nature. The oil and grease left behind by a lubricant can damage the paint on your vehicle if you use a degreaser or chemical cleaner to remove it.

Ceramic coatings are hydrophobic and anti-stick. This makes it easier to wash your car because less dirt, mud and debris stick to the surface. Ceramic coating is an excellent way to keep your car's surface cleaner for longer.

The coating will enhance the shine and gloss of your paint.

What should you NOT expect from ceramic coating?

Ceramic coating isn't bulletproof and isn't as effective as paint protection films. Many people are misinformed about how well a Satin Vinyl Wraps coat can protect your vehicle. To be honest, many of these misleading claims are made by companies who over-hype their products.

Keep in mind these myths about ceramic coating for cars:

Does not fill or eliminate scratches

Ceramic coatings can reduce light scratches (, but they do not completely protect your car. The myth was popularized by people who scratched a freshly coated car with a lighter and then removed the scratches using a microfiber cloth. This is possible only with a multi-layer nano coating of professional quality.

Does NOT Eliminate Water Spotting

Ceramic coatings are water-resistant but not waterproof. Even though mud and water are likely to slide off a newly coated vehicle, some particles will remain. Water spots will form if the water contains high calcium levels. You can remove the water spots with a microfiber cloth if this occurs.

This product DOES NOT eliminate the need to wash your car

Ceramic coatings will keep your car cleaner longer. However, there will eventually be enough dirt, grime and debris to require a thorough cleaning.

What is a safer alternative to Satin Vinyl Wraps coatings?

If you follow the common sense guidelines when using chemicals and have a well ventilated area, you can install a nano ceramic coat safely. These products were originally designed for professionals, who would apply them in a controlled setting and using personal protective equipment.

A professional ceramic coating will always be superior to a DIY.

Don't risk it if you are not confident about the Satin Vinyl Wraps coating application or if you are concerned about health risks. Consider a professionally-applied nano coating like Ceramic Pro 9H. This type of product is not only safer, but also lasts longer and comes with a professional warranty. It's also more affordable than most people think.

Click the button to receive a free quote from a professional auto shop near you for applying Ceramic Pro 9H to your car, truck or SUV.

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